My 2023 Japan Trip Itinerary

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Alice au Pays du Salève


Photographer: Studio du Petit Oiseau


As some of you may know, I spent my spring semester studying and interning abroad in Geneva, Switzerland. My last two days in Geneva was spent photoshoot-ing with the amazing Studio du Petit Oiseau. I worked with them a few times over the course of my semester abroad, and every photoshoot was a lovely experience. This will be a photo-heavy post because I love too many photos from this set!


I wanted to write this blog post earlier, but did not find the time to finish this post until now. Looking back at these photos brings back lovely memories of sunny days spent outside… I still miss living in Europe. Genève, tu me manques! _DSC7019

Basically, here is how these photoshoots worked out: I took a bus to the Swiss/French border, and that’s where Studio du Petit Oiseau met up with me. For the Alice au Pays du Salève shoots, we drove up Salève (a mountain, which I called my home mountain throughout my stay since I could spot it from anywhere in Genève) each day to shoot. The first day was difficult since there was a mysterious car rally going on; I’m still not sure what was happening to be honest. The next day, we went up the mountain and were able to take many more photos.


“Mais je n’ai nulle envie d’aller chez les fous”, fit remarquer Alice.
“Oh ! vous ne sauriez faire autrement, dit le Chat : Ici, tout le monde est fou. Je suis fou. Vous êtes folle.”
“Comment savez-vous que je suis folle ?” demanda Alice.
“Il faut croire que vous l’êtes, répondit le Chat ; sinon, vous ne seriez pas venue ici.” 

-Alice au pays des merveilles


And now, let’s look at some of the photos from the second time we went to Salève! (And this was my last day in Europe. The day after this shoot, I flew back to the United States!)


In the background of some of these photos, you can see Lac Léman and Genève~!


This shoot was part photoshooting and part sight-seeing…

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It was really cold up in the mountain! I should have brought a warmer jacket with me… (Down in Geneva, it was really hot. What a stark contrast in temperature!)

_DSC1454wSalève is definitely one of my favorite places. It’s so breathtakingly beautiful, and I feel like I could go there 100 times and still never get bored of looking around._DSC1412 _DSC1429w _DSC1405“Alice au Pays du Salève” is what Studio du Petit Oiseau named this photoshoot. I thought it was such an adorable name, since it’s a play on the French title for Alice in Wonderland, “Alice au pays des merveilles.” This blog’s name is Alice in Lolitaland, so this title is too perfect.

Merci beaucoup, Studio du Petit Oiseau!


Aren’t these cows so cute? The time spent photoshooting on Salève will always be in my memories, even if they feel like dreams now. If I ever return to Switzerland, I definitely want to visit Salève again. Is there a place you wish you could return to?

Check out my Facebook albums for more photos from these two photoshoots: First album & Second album.


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❥❧ WorldCosplay: Xiao

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Parc des Bastions Photoshoot


Photographer: Studio du Petit Oiseau


Studio du Petit Oiseau is an amazing photographer! I had the honor to work with him during my time studying abroad in Switzerland. Working with him was a great experience in many ways. The most important thing I gained was self-confidence. I gained self-confidence in different areas: posing/modeling and speaking. I did not think I was fluent in French, but I gained more confidence in my French speaking skills over the course of the semester.


Studio du Petit Oiseau and the other photographers I worked with all spoke French, so all of my photoshoots were, in fact, francophone. I was shocked when one of them asked if I was French; they knew I was a student studying in Switzerland for the first time but didn’t realize I was American. Studio du Petit Oiseau knew I was American but complimented my French and also gave me valuable advice. He was patient when I asked questions, kept an open mind, and was a pleasure to work with!  edit_DSC3180web

The purpose of this particular photoshoot was to get good photos for the hair accessories that were sponsored. Read my Captain Miaow product review for more info about that!


This photoshoot was my first time working with Studio du Petit Oiseau and my first time modeling abroad! I requested this location: Parc des Bastions. The academic building with most of my classes was literally in this park.


I’ve done homework while sitting on this bench before:


Some of these photos are edited, but some are un-edited, by the way! You might be able to tell the difference. Even the unedited photos look amazing though!


If you want to see more photos from this shoot, check out my Facebook album! The album only has edited photos, so hopefully I can find time to edit more photos in the future. I may update the album far in the future though… (But late is better than never, right?)



~Connect with me~

❥❧ Facebook: Cosplay and Fashion

❥❧ Instagram: PearlPeony

❥❧ Tumblr: Personal and Fashion

❥❧ Twitter: TreizeMacarons

❥❧ Youtube: Alice in Lolitaland

❥❧ Vine: Xiao

❥❧ WorldCosplay: Xiao

❥❧ Ask.FM: AskPeony

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