Why I am Holding onto that Dress

This Week’s Prompt: A piece you haven’t worn in a long time, and why you’re holding onto it…
There is one JSK that I have not worn in a long time, but I do not plan on selling it anytime soon. Yes, it is a very pretty dress! It has two detachable bows, thick waist ties, and a nice two-layered skirt (one sheer layer over one solid layer), but… It is not a particularly amazing JSK, nor is it a brand-name Lolita JSK. It is an old JSK from Bodyline.
The last time I wore this JSK was about a year ago, in October 2012 when some friends and I went to New York City. We only stayed one night, but it was still a great experience!
I do not have this JSK with me at the moment, but when I return home later in the fall, I may bring this dress back to my dorm with me. I want to hang onto this JSK because it was my first Lolita item. A few years ago, when my mother and I went to a local anime convention, we saw a vendor with pretty Bodyline items! I was really excited to see the Lolita things on sale, and my mother bought this JSK for me as a belated birthday present. There is quite a bit of sentimentality attached to this little black dress, as cheesy as that sounds.
Do you have any Lolita items you want to hold onto?
~Be sure to read other blog posts on this topic for the Lolita Blog Carnival!Β 

2 thoughts on “Why I am Holding onto that Dress

  1. Pingback: Lolita Blog Carnival: A piece you haven’t worn in a long time, and why you are holding on to it? | Hello Batty

  2. Pingback: LBC: Your First Lolita Item | Alice in Lolitaland

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